Drennan Carp 2 Pole Rig

Size 0.8g

The 1.75mm diameter banded Glow Tip offers exceptional visibility and bite indication. The diamond-shaped body also offers excellent stability in adverse conditions. The size 14 Wide Gape Carp hook is best matched with medium-sized baits such as pellets, meat, sweetcorn, worms and bunches of maggots.

  • Float: Drennan Carp 2
  • Sizes: 0.4g, 0.6g & 0.8g
  • Hook: 14 Wide Gape Carp
  • Hooklength: 0.18mm (5.8lb)
  • Main line: 0.20mm (6.9lb)
  • Rig length: 3.5m