Following the success of Chasebaits original mesmerizing hood wings design, we have now developed the Flip Flop for freshwater fishing excitement This extremely realistic creature bait is 425 in length and packed with a variety of lifelike creature features including rolling hood wings, splittable beaverstyle tail for whip, glide and flicker Each Flip Flop lure has extra salt added into the belly for balance and buoyancy Our proprietary shrimp enhanced scent is internally injected and externally applied as a coating for enhanced fish sensory perception Additional features include segmented antennae, eyes and unique insect body ripples designed to mimic a variety of emerging insects bass target as forage while creating unique water displacement that bass feel with their lateral lines Chasebaits FF4204.

Flip Flop, Mud Bug, 425 Soft Plastic, 6Pcs