Mackerel Tree Rig - MTR - RIG ONLY - 6 PACK

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The mackerel tree rig is used while trolling. You can troll it on the surface of the water or you can connect it to a planer or trolling sinker for depth. The swivelties to the line from the rod orto the leader coming from the back of the planer. The snap would connect a Clarkspoonof your choice to the end of the rig. No bait is needed.

To connect the rig without sinker or planer tie directly to the line from the rod.

To connect the rig with a troll sinker tie the sinker to the line from the rod (using a snap/snap swivel here makes it easier to change). Connect the swivel end of the mackerel rig to the snap end of the troll sinker.

To connect the rig with a planer using a snap swivel, connect the line from the rod to the brass ring of the planer. Make a leader (15-18 feet) with a ball bearing snap swivel on each end. Connect one end of the leaderto the grommeted hole of the Connect the other end of the leader to the mackerel tree rig.